Hey guys, welcome to RobotObzor! Today we’ll look at the Dreame M12 wet and dry cordless vacuum cleaner. It showed up on the market at the end of 2022 and stirred up some excitement in the community. The thing is that not only can it wash the floor, but also locally dry clean. All thanks to the removable main unit, which turns into a compact handheld vacuum cleaner. Additionally, Dreame M12 boasts advanced features and clever designs, making it pretty interesting. So now I’ll review Dreame M12 in detail, after which I’ll say how much this vacuum impressed me. Keep in mind, at the time of review, it’s $550. Now, let’s get this show on the road!
The vacuum came in this box:

It includes:
- A charging base with holders for the extra accessories.
- Removable handle.
- A base for keeping the extra accessories.
- Dirt container and a crack nozzle.
- Power cord.
- Manual.
- Extra roller.
- Brush for cleaning the vacuum.
- Extra HEPA-filter.
- Brand’s liquid cleaning solution.

Nice kit! It has everything you’d need from accessories to even extra filters. This is very cool!
Let’s look at Dreame M12 cordless vacuum’s build. Let’s start with the cleaning module. It’s posted behind a fluffy roller, which comes out to the edge of the case from the right side, like in the previous Dreame H12. The cover detaches from the top, which is very practical, and can be rinsed with water if needed. Pressing the button opens the lock of the roller itself. Behind, you can see a comb for combing out hair, as well as a scraper and a suction opening. Everything’s very well thought out.

The 700 ml (23.6 Oz.) dirty water tank is above the cleaning module. It has a HEPA filter with mesh and water level sensors to signal when it’s time to drain the water. There’s no coarse filter.

In the back is an extended tank for clean water. It fits 920 ml (31 Oz.) of water. Above it is a button for setting the voice alerts, as well as a speaker. Here, it’s important to note that Dreame M12 can speak multiple languages.

On the top is a fairly large display, which shows the selected mode, battery percentage, service messages and colored scale around the perimeter, showing how dirty the floor is. Please note that Dreame M12 can automatically increase the suction power when detecting dirt.

And, here’s how the main unit detaches and turns into a compact handheld vacuum cleaner:

On its body are two buttons: power on/off and power level selection. The dirt container’s volume isn’t shown, but I think it’s not less than half a liter. There’s a four stage filter, based on HEPA, foam, cyclone, and mesh. This is definitely a plus.

Lastly, is the handle. There are three buttons on it. Power on/off, operating mode and self-cleaning function. Speaking of operating modes, there is an auto mode and liquid suction mode, in which water is not fed to the floor, but only collected. Sadly, you can’t turn on max power or Eco mode.

As for the station, the vacuum self-charges. You can also conveniently store accessories. However, the auto dryer, like the one on H12 Pro, isn’t given.

Note, that Dreame M12 can vertically park outside the station, which is very cool.

All in all, I had no comments on the design. The solution in the detachable handheld vacuum is really convenient and gives you more freedom while using it.
Technical characteristics
Dreame M12’s main functions, given by the manufacturer:
- Battery: Li-Ion, 4000 mA*h.
- Power: 300 Wt.
- Work time: Up to 35 mins (mopping vacuum), up to 60 mins (handheld vacuum).
- Water tank: 920 ml (31 Oz.).
- Dirty water tank: 700 ml (23.6 Oz.).
- Volume: 68,5-71 dB.
- Weight: 5 kg (11 lbs).
I’ll note the added space in the clean and dirty water tanks. Dreame engineers really have outdone themselves. I personally measured the volume. It’s between 68.5 and 71 dB. The vacuum is quieter than others, which is a plus.

And finally let’s get to the main part of the review – the testing. I’ll do different levels of testing, from easy to more complex.
The vacuum does great with everyday cleaning. No comments at all!
Adding to that, it picks up dirt from the floor well, without leaving streaks. Moreover, thanks to the roller extending to the edge of the body, Dreame M12 is able to thoroughly scrub dirt along the baseboard. Literally only 1-2 mm (.04-.08 In.) of space is left, which isn’t critical in my opinion. Although, there is a lot to strive for. For example, Roborock Dyad Pro has a roller that completely holds on to the baseboard.

If needed, you can also use the vacuum to collect liquids, as I tested with eggs and flour, so pretty handy!
Well, as for scrubbing dried stains, such as coffee and sauce, Dreame M12 does well, but not very fast. It took about 5 minutes to completely remove the stains. And I did use a cleaning solution. Again, other vacuums didn’t show better results, and sometimes showed even worse.

You can also use Dreame M12 to collect trash. I scattered different dirt on the floor: fur, hair, and even needles from the Christmas tree. So the vacuum ran through without problems. And it’s worth noting that it thoroughly collects dirt along the baseboard and in the corners. It had no blind spots, which is amazing.

In life or death you can use it for carpets, although Dreame M12 is not designed for them. In this case it will be appropriate to switch on the liquid suction mode, where water isn’t given, so you won’t get your carpet wet.

Well, and the handheld vacuum itself can be used for local cleaning, for example, furniture. This could even replace your everyday vacuum, given that the main part of the work, namely vacuuming and mopping, can be done by the main unit.

Lastly, I’ll test the self-cleaning. After vacuuming, the vacuum cleaned itself well. All debris with water collected in the dirty water tank, the roller is clean, and no blocked debris was left.
After the stain test, I drained the dirty water from the tank, poured clean water into the second tank and turned on the self-cleaning. And here we can see that the roller is clean, but there is a bit of dirt left behind. Not a terrible amount, but it’s still there.

With regular day to day use, the self-cleaning does its job well, and you won’t notice any debris on or behind the roller. So overall, test passed!
In this review, I thoroughly tested Dreame M12 cordless vacuum in detail. First, I’ll give you the pros and cons, then my opinion. I liked the following:
- Effective cleaning module, lacking blind spots.
- Removable handheld vacuum.
- Quality self-cleaning in day to day use.
- Automatic power increase.
- Voice notifications.
- Can scrub off even harder stains.
- Display screen.
- Larger water tank.
- Is good for vacuuming as well.
- Quiet.
- Good build.
As for the disadvantages, the main is the lack of an auto roller dryer on the station, which appeared in the Dreame H12 Pro. Besides this, here are some small remarks:
- The roller only comes out to the edge of one side. As a result, you should always go in one direction when washing along the baseboard, the one with the roller poking out.
- There’s no way to adjust the suction power. Although the auto mode works correctly, sometimes you want to put more power into some areas, which you can’t do.
- A small strip of dirt is still present, measuring not more than 2mm (.08 In.)
- The battery isn’t removable.
Overall, Dreame M12 is definitely worth considering, just because of the transformer design into a handheld vacuum cleaner, as well as the high performance. But with H12 Pro already on the market, it’s hard to know which is better. After all, the latter has a roller dryer and the roller comes out to the edge on both sides. Definitely, the presence of a manual vacuum cleaner is the main highlight of the reviewed model even comparing it to the previous. And if you’re interested, and the listed remarks aren’t so important, I don’t see a reason why you shouldn’t get it. Definitely one of the best vacuums of 2023 so far!
On this note, I’d like to end the review. Make sure to leave any questions in the comments, like and subscribe. Have fun shopping, bye!